Zero Spills Hub

Our Asset Intelligence and Innovation team is creating the Zero Spills Hub—a specific catchment area that is representative of the Severn Trent region.

In this hub, we will apply the Zero Spills Playbook - this acts as a product catalogue, deploying a tailored combination of technologies related to the catchment. The playbook also outlines deployment prerequisites and includes a benefits assessment.

Our goal? To demonstrate that achieving a zero spills catchment is not only possible but also practical.

Tackling the challenge

The Water Industry faces an unprecedented challenge - the elimination of storm overflows, often referred to as “spills.” These spills occur in a significant portion of the wastewater network, where combined sewers mix sewage with stormwater runoff from surfaces where rain has fallen. Unfortunately, the increase in rainfall due to climate change, coupled with population growth and more impermeable areas, has pushed rainwater volumes beyond the original design parameters of these sewers.

Wavemakers International

At Severn Trent, we believe in surpassing our obligations. Our “zero spills” mindset recognises that achieving zero spills requires a multifaceted approach.

Each catchment is unique, and solutions must combine various strategies.

That’s why we’re launching a brand-new international competition, asking the best and brightest from around the world to submit their ideas for innovative technologies to address the spills challenge.

If the ideas are successful, we’ll be trialling them quickly with delivery into our new Zero Spills Hub!

So what are we looking for?

We want to hear your ideas and solutions to address one or more of the following questions.

Applications will open on the 8th July.

Together, these ideas and solutions will empower us to work toward a future with zero spills, benefiting both our environment and our communities.

Get in touch

If you have any questions or would like to get involved, email our Open Innovation inbox.