During the Capital Markets Day, we shared updates on the key strategic decisions we announced 18 months ago, that have set us up for success.
To successfully deliver our biggest ever AMP, we are making the next wave of key strategic decisions that will reinforce our position as the sector leader over the next five years and beyond, which we discussed during the Capital Markets Day.
Page contents
Introduction to our Capital Markets Day
Liv Garfield, our CEO
gives an introduction to our Capital Markets Day at our dedicated training academy in Coventry in the heart of the Midlands, a place we are incredibly proud to represent and support.
Liv discusses progress on the ‘big bets’ we announced 18 months ago and how they have set us up for success over the coming years. She also unveils the next set of strategic decisions to sustain our position as sector leaders.
Adaptation - The age of growth
Shane Anderson, Director of Strategy & Regulation
Shane Anderson takes us through the new “age of growth” and what that means for Severn Trent.
Through the session Shane explains why we are excited about the growth we are experiencing, and how the recent regulatory determination unlocks growth well beyond the next five years. This includes detail on the long-term government targets which underpin decades of growth and investment.
Deliverability - Innovating at scale
James Jesic, Director of Capital Delivery & Commercial
James Jesic takes us through our “Built to last: Innovating at scale” session.
James provides clarity about how we will resource and deliver our largest ever programme of work in the next 5-year period and beyond, and what is giving us confidence that we can deliver against our commitment.
Success for the future
Steph Cawley, Customer Operations Director
Steph takes us on a journey through the world of ODIs in AMP8, sharing why we feel so confident of delivering a third consecutive AMP of sector-leading outperformance.
This includes a breakdown of the ODI framework, our approach towards the various incentives, and an insight into the ODIs where we feel really confident of delivering reward.
Working smarter
Bob Stear, Chief Engineer
With a totex programme over the next five years that is higher than ever before, Bob Stear shares the ways in which we’re ensuring we have the right people, processes and technology in place to deliver successfully.
By continuing to innovate, we’re confident we can exceed our targets while driving real efficiencies.
Value creation
Helen Miles, Group Financial Officer
Helen Miles, our Group CFO, brings the day together by explaining what all of this means for our ability to deliver value in the years ahead.