
We are committed to the highest standards of transparency and corporate governance so that our stakeholders have access to meaningful, accurate information to inform their understanding of our performance and hold us to account on matters of importance to them.

Our values and commitments underpin our ambition of driving positive change. One of those commitments is to be a responsible and sustainable company. This cannot be achieved without careful and effective governance to support sound, well informed decision making.

Our transparent remuneration framework aligns reward and incentive structures throughout our business from our frontline operatives through to our Executive Committee, ensuring that every employee is incentivised and rewarded to deliver the same objectives.

We work closely with over 1,600 supply chain partners who remain critical to the delivery of our service and sustainability ambitions. Ensuring they uphold the same values plays an important role in meeting our sustainability targets and in caring for the people in our region. 

Explore our latest Sustainability Report and ESG Data Book to gain insights into our strategic approach. Discover inspiring case studies showcasing our sustainability initiatives in action, alongside additional reports highlighting our progress.

Environmental, social and governance benchmarking

In 2023, we received a CDP A- rating and were recognised as a Supplier Engagement Leader.

We remain part of the FTSE4Good Index, demonstrating our strong ESG performance.

We have again been recognised as a top rated company, receiving an ESG rating of 14.7 and assessed as low risk, placing us in the top 5% of utility companies.

As of November 2023, we received an ESG rating of A (scale AAA to CCC).

We received a B+ ‘Prime’ status for our 2023 assessment, placing us in the top three of the 40 water and waste utility companies assessed.