SASB Code GRI Code Description Response, link or additional information 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover Rate of employee hire across the group is 8.31% Rate of employee turnover across the group is 6.39% 401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees All employees, permanent and fixed term contract (whether full-time or part-time) are entitled to annual leave, life-cover, pension scheme membership, flexible benefits, recognition scheme, standard allowances, sick-leave, parental and maternity leave and Sharesave Fixed-term contractors are not entitled to specific exit provisions which include retirement, enhanced ill health/ capability exits and redundancy. Whilst fixed term contractors are not specifically excluded from career breaks there is an eligibility criteria that employees must have 5 years’ service so this will preclude most/all FTC employees. 401-3 Parental leave 5058 male and 2029 female colleagues are covered by our family policies. Within the reporting period in 2020/21 116 males and 154 females had time off for the following reasons: maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave. 202 employees returned from these leave types in 2020/21. Of those taking leave in 2019/20, 88% of females are employed 12 months later, and 96% of males. 402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes We abide by the legal requirements and in most cases exceed them dependent on the level of change. (Legal requirement is at least 30 days for a change which impacts 20 – 99 employees and 45 days for impact to 100 or more employees). Our Partnership agreement outlines the ‘processes for consultation and sharing information’ but does not specify timescales for notice periods. Occupational Health and Safety SASB/GRI content index